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Dyslexia: A different way of reading

Dyslexia: A different way of reading

Dyslexia is a neurodevelopmental difference that affects an individual's ability to read, write, and spell accurately and fluently. It is considered to be a specific learning difference, as opposed to a general intellectual impairment. The exact cause of dyslexia is not well understood, but it is thought to involve differences in the way the brain processes and interprets language.

Dyslexia can manifest in a variety of ways, including difficulties with decoding and recognizing words, trouble with phonological processing, and difficulties with spelling and writing. Children with dyslexia may also struggle with reading comprehension and may have difficulty retaining information they have read.

It is important to note that dyslexia is not a result of a lack of intelligence, but rather a difference in the way the brain processes information. With the right support and accommodations, individuals with dyslexia can lead successful and fulfilling lives.

Here in All Minds Count, we like to say that dyslexia is just a different way of reading.


While dyslexia can certainly present challenges in areas such as reading and writing, we are all about celebrating the strengths and positive traits that individuals with dyslexia often possess.

Here are some of the strengths and positive traits commonly associated with dyslexia:

  1. Creativity and imagination: Many individuals with dyslexia are highly creative and imaginative. They often have a unique perspective and approach to problem-solving, which can lead to innovative ideas and solutions.

  2. Strong spatial awareness and visual thinking: Many individuals with dyslexia have a strong spatial awareness and excel in visual thinking. This can be an advantage in fields such as architecture, design, and engineering.

  3. Strong problem-solving skills: Individuals with dyslexia often possess strong problem-solving skills and the ability to think outside of the box. They may also be able to find creative solutions to problems that others might overlook.

  4. Good memory: Individuals with dyslexia often have good memories, particularly for things that interest them. This can be an advantage in many areas, including history, sports, and music.

  5. Strong verbal skills: Many individuals with dyslexia possess strong verbal skills and are effective communicators. They are often confident and articulate speakers, and may excel in areas such as public speaking and storytelling.

  6. Resilience: Individuals with dyslexia often develop a strong sense of resilience as they navigate the challenges of their condition. They may be highly motivated and persistent in their efforts to overcome difficulties, and this can serve them well in many areas of life.

  7. Independence: Individuals with dyslexia may develop a strong sense of independence and self-reliance, as they learn to work around their difficulties and find alternative ways of doing things.


  • Understanding the condition: The first step in supporting the dyslexic mind is to understand the condition and its symptoms. This will help you provide the necessary accommodations and modifications to help the individual succeed
  • Create a positive learning environment: Encourage the individual to participate in activities that promote learning, and create a positive and supportive learning environment. Offer praise and positive reinforcement when they succeed, and provide constructive feedback when they struggle.
  • Assist with organization: Individuals with dyslexia often struggle with organization and planning. Assist them in organizing their work and schedule, and provide reminders as needed.
  • Provide accommodations: There are many accommodations and modifications that can be made to help individuals with dyslexia succeed in their studies or work. This can include extra time on tests, using audio books, and access to technology like text-to-speech software. Work with the school or employer to determine which accommodations are best for the individual.
  • Encourage a growth mindset: Encourage the individual to see challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. This can help build resilience and a positive attitude towards learning.
  • Connect with others: Encourage the individual to connect with other people who have dyslexia. This can provide a sense of community and support, and help the individual feel less isolated.
  • Encourage extracurricular activities: Encourage the individual to participate in extracurricular activities that they are interested in. This can provide a break from academic or work demands and build confidence and self-esteem.


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