the end of [normal] blog

We welcome submissions and collaborations on topics related to neuro inclusion and ideas on how to better create the [post] normal world.

Say no to [normal]

Say no to [normal]

The idea of “normalizing” neurodivergent individuals has long been debated in society. Neurodiversity is a natural and accepted part of the human experience, yet many people assume that individuals who think differently should conform to what is considered normal. This is an incredibly damaging assumption that not only fails to recognize the intrinsic value of neurodiversity, but also disregards the needs and rights of the individuals affected.

First of all, there is no one single definition of “normal.” What is normal for one person may not be normal for another; it really depends on perspective. Labeling someone as “abnormal” or attempting to force them into an arbitrary standard can damage self-esteem and lead to feelings of low self-worth. Additionally, it can stifle creativity and inhibit independent thinking by creating an environment of fear of deviation from the norm.

Furthermore, attempting to “normalize” people who are neurodivergent or think differently can be a form of microaggression and unwittingly discourage them from openly sharing their ideas. This could lead to missed opportunities for problem-solving, innovative solutions, and new ways of thinking that could benefit us all.

An equally important step in this direction is to stop equating neurodivergence with disability. Just because someone may think or process information differently doesn't mean they are lacking in any way - in fact, it may be the very thing that sets them apart from the norm and makes them an asset to society. We need to shift our perspective to recognize the skills, talents, and strengths of those who are neurodivergent rather than focusing on their perceived "weaknesses".

When we try to force neurodivergent individuals into a certain mold, we rob them of their uniqueness and individuality, making it difficult for them to express themselves authentically. Not only does this limit their potential, but it can also lead to feelings of low self-esteem and depression. Research indicates that neurodivergent individuals are more likely to be targets of discrimination and bullying if they do not conform to the norms expected by society – which only serves to suppress their true identity further.

In conclusion, attempting to "normalize" neurodivergent people can be detrimental in many ways: from stunting their potential and exacerbating mental health issues to perpetuating discrimination and bullying. Instead of trying to make everyone fit into a predefined box, let's embrace our differences, celebrate our quirks, and join us at the end of [normal].


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